If you think that the Holy Spirit might be calling you to a life of ordained service in the Churchd don't hesitate to speak to Fr. Jonathan.
Visit the Diocese of Worcester's Vocations Office website, to learn more about the priesthood, the religious life (sisters and brothers, lay ministry), or the diaconate.
To learn more about the diaconate, visit the diocese's Office of the Diaconate website.
I Will Follow, is a powerful 10-minute film by Ascension Press featuring the testimonies of Fr. Mike Schmitz and Fr. Josh Johnson and their journey to the priesthood. Our hope is that I Will Follow will spark an interest in the Catholic priesthood by allowing viewers to identify with the priests in the film, seeing them as “real men” from the real world who heard God’s call to the priesthood and were courageous enough to say yes. The joy they have experienced in their vocation is a moving and powerful witness for the priesthood.
"I Will Follow" es un poderoso cortometraje de 10 minutos de Ascension Press que presenta los testimonios del Padre Mike Schmitz y del Padre Josh Johnson y su viaje hacia el sacerdocio. Nuestra esperanza es que "I Will Follow" despierte un interés en el sacerdocio católico al permitir a los espectadores identificarse con los sacerdotes en la película, viéndolos como "hombres reales" del mundo real que escucharon el llamado de Dios al sacerdocio y tuvieron la valentía de decir sí. La alegría que han experimentado en su vocación es un testimonio conmovedor y poderoso para el sacerdocio.